• Private & Group Hypnobirthing courses

  • Empowering you to feel prepared and excited about birth

  • Reframe your perception of labour pain

  • Learn active birth techniques to help you
    cope well with the sensations of labour

Hypnobirthing Courses in Byron Bay Area

Anna completely transformed mine and my husband's view of labour

"Anna completely transformed mine and my husband's view of labour. She taught us so much priceless information. Who would have thought that after two days someone's perspective shifts, I could be EXCITED for labour! We left feeling empowered with a much clearer understanding of the whole process. Thank you Anna, you are AMAZING!'
Lynn and Angel

Byron Bay GROUP Hypnobirthing Weekend Courses

GROUP HYPNOBIRTHING CLASSES - Check Availability, Book and Pay Online

PRIVATE Hypnobirthing Workshops and Course Options


Payment plans available

Short Hypnobirthing Workshop (~3 hours)

A Private, "mini-version" that's a great workshop for parents who would like to feel better prepared and excited about their birth, but don't want to spend the full amount on the Complete Hypnobirthing Course.
Learn More


Payment plans available

Complete Hypnobirthing Course (~8 hours)

Private, thorough and well researched Hypnobirthing & Birth Education Program.
2 x 4 hour sessions @ $370 each.
(In Byron Bay or in your home)

Learn More

Private Short Hypnobirthing Workshop (~3 hours)

Our workshop will teach you the basics of Hypnobirthing and will leave you feeling confident in using natural pain coping & self-hypnosis techniques during labour and make informed decisions no matter how your birth unfolds.

  • Private 3 - 3.5 hour course
  • 1:1 teaching in Burringbar or at your home (no extra charge within 20km of Burringbar, $60 within 30km)
  • Access to our client area,
  • Complete Hypnobirthing Manual
  • 3x MP3s

This mini version is such a great workshop for parents who would like to feel better prepared and excited about their birth but don't want to spend the entire amount of the Complete Hypnobirthing Course.

It is also great for those who may have done a different course in a previous pregnancy and need a refresher.

Please note that the complete course is most suitable for couples who have had an traumatic experience in a previous birth and need debriefing.

You'll learn about the following topics in our Hypnobirthing Workshop:

In our small group course run over 1 day you will learn the Hypnobirthing Approach to a Positive Childbirth & Early Parenthood. You will feel prepared for a calm and informed birth, no matter what outcome your birth takes. You'll be given homework to practice in your own time and the relaxing audio tapes will make you feel relaxed and positive about your birth journey. My course are held in the most beautiful space in Brunswick Heads. 

What are the Course Dates & Availability?
Next Group Class: Saturday 22nd of March 2025 from 9am - 4pm

Where? All Group Classes are held in a beautiful studio in Brunswick Heads

When is the best time to do the course?
The recommended time to do a course with me is between 18-36 weeks of gestation but I'll support you in your journey no matter how far along you are.

$440 per couple, payment plans available 

How to book? 
Feel free to contact me with questions or book here if you want to secure your spot now. Payment plans available at checkout. 

What's included?
Personalised Course, Birth Preparation E-Book, Access to our Online Client Area, 7 MP3s, Birth Affirmations, Birth Plan Template, Birth Print-outs, Essential Oil for Labour, healthy snacks, water & tea and Voxxer group chat for 4 weeks after class if you have any questions. 

What will you learn?
If you like to get an even better understand what it's included in the class please refer to 'Complete Hypnobirthing Course' Content below.

The Next Scheduled Group Hypnobirthing classes are on: 

Saturday 22nd of March 2025

  • What is Hypnobirthing?
  • The body - mind connection
  • The importance of Birth Hormones
  • How you can keep your body and mind calm during labour
  • Hypnobirthing Breathing Techniques
  • Brief Overview The Stages of Labour and Birth Physiology
  • Hands On Birth Partner Support
  • Birth Specific Massage Techniques
  • Creating a Birth 'Plan'
  • Your rights & options within the Australian maternity care system
  • What to do if you hear 'You are not allowed!" during birth
  • BRAINS = decision making tool

Short Hypnobirthing Workshop Investment

AUD $450 for you and your partner
(No GST is charged)

Short Hypnobirthing (Private) - Check Availability, Book & Pay

Contact Anna (you can call on 0415 401 742) to check currently availability and make a booking.


  • This short private course can be scheduled around your availability
  • Bookings are not taken more than 3 months in advance.
  • Bookings must be made at least 3 days prior to your session.

    Short Hypnobirthing (Private) - Check Availability, Book & Pay

    - Bookings are not taken more than 3 months in advance.
    - Bookings must be made at least 3 days prior to your session.

    Private Complete Hypnobirthing Course (~8 hours)

    The Complete Hypnobirthing Course is a thorough and well researched Birth Education Program which will prepare you for a positive and empowering birth experience.

    • Private 8 hour course
    • 1:1 teaching in Burringbar or in your home (no extra charge within 20 km of Burringbar),
    • Access to our client area
    • Complete Hypnobirthing eManual
    • Birth Mantra Cards
    • 7x MP3s
    • My ongoing support via phone/text until after your birth

    My private Hypnobirthing Courses can be run at my Workshop Space in Byron Bay or in your home, whatever suits you best. The private course can be scheduled around your availability and consists of 2 x 4 hour sessions (10am to 2pm) and allow you to feel comfortable discussing any questions, ideas and even fears with me. The recommended time to do a course with me is between 20-34 weeks of gestation but I'll support you in your journey no matter how far along you are.

    Some of the things that you will learn in our Complete Hypnobirthing Course:

    • Choosing your right care provider
    • How to navigate through the 'system' so that you feel empowered to make informed choices and speak up for yourself
    • The impact your hormones & environment have on your birth outcome
    • The stages of labour and how you might feel
    • Hypnobirthing breathing techniques and mind work
    • Active labour and birth postures
    • How your partner can feel confident in supporting you with hands-on techniques including pressure point massage
    • Rebozo Technique
    • Fear releasing activities including debrief of previous birth experience if applicable
    • How you can prepare your body for birth
    • The pros and cons of pain medication during labour
    • Natural "induction"
    • What happens if your circumstances change
    • Your rights & options within the Australian maternity care system
    • What to do if you hear 'You are not allowed!" during birth
    • BRAIN - a fantastic decision making tool
    • Creating your birth 'plan' ~ preferences
    • Postpartum support including breastfeeding, baby's needs in the 4th trimester and sleep
    • The first '40 days' after birth

    The Complete Hypnobirthing Course Investment

    The Complete Private Hypnobirthing Course requires you book 2 x 4 hours sessions (as we need 8 hours together).

    When you Book:
    1. Use the booking calendar to ensure there are 2 suitable dates available for your 2 sessions.

    2. Book and pay for your first session.

    3. Immediately book and pay for your second session - so that you do not miss out on the second session date that you want. If you wait, Anna may become unavailable and/or other people may book the date you wanted.

    Important: Please book your 2 sessions on dates that are not more than 4 weeks apart.

    The Complete Private Hypnobirthing Course requires you book 2 x 4 hours sessions (as we need 8 hours together).

    AUD $920 for you and your partner
    for 2 x 4 hour sessions
    ($370 for each session, paid for and booked individually).

    Complete Hypnobirthing (Private) Availability & Bookings

    Contact Anna (you can call on 0415 401 742) to check currently availability and make a booking.


    • The private course can be scheduled around your availability.
    • Please book your 2 sessions on dates that are not more than 4 weeks apart.
    • Bookings are not taken more than 3 months in advance.
    • Bookings must be made at least 3 days prior to your session.
    • Payment Plans available on request

      Complete Hypnobirthing (Private)
      Check Availability, Book & Pay


      Anna reminded me of my own power and assisted in reprogramming subconscious beliefs
      Anna was so helpful in the lead up and preparation to our birth. My partner and I did a one on one course with Anna, who reminded me of my own power and assisted in reprogramming subconscious beliefs. Anna's course was so helpful for my partner, who previously held very fear based beliefs around birth. He was able to step into his role and support me beautifully throughout my labour and birth. I ended up free-birthing at home in the shower before the midwifes could arrive, a raw and potent experience, relying heavily on the tools and techniques Anna taught. -- You'll forever play a part in our peaceful and powerful birth story Anna, thank you.
      Birralee and Paul, Lennox Head
      We felt truly prepared and calm for birth

      Me and my partner took the hypnobirthing course with Anna in preparation for Kai’s arrival. I believe now that it was one of the most important investments we made! We felt truly prepared and calm for birth knowing what to expect and how to ride the swell. My partner was really confident and gave me the energy and assurance I needed. With the journey being a bit of a roller coaster, I felt supported and cared by Anna like a friend. Her warmth, calmness, smile and knowledge helped us get through a couple of bumps. The birth was beautiful and powerful. Even it didn't go all as we planned, I felt strong and empowered and it was the most magical and wild experience of our lives.

      Carla and Carlos, Byron Bay

      The most invaluable thing we have done throughout this entire pregnancy!

      My partner and I recently did the short hypnobirthing class via zoom and I can honestly say it is the most invaluable thing we have done throughout this entire pregnancy! My partner feels super empowered from it, and knows the tools he can use to best assist me in labour. Anna has boosted my confidence going into for our birth for being prepared for whatever may happen. I cannot thank Anna enough for her way of opening our eyes to what is possible in having a calm & positive birth. I can't wait to give her feedback after we put her tools in action!

      Lucy and Lynden, Brisbane

      We both feel more comfortable and confident

      We did a BabyMoon hypnobirth course with Anna and absolutely loved it. From the moment we met her we felt comfortable and supported, she is a genuinely caring person with lots of valuable tips and resources to help you be the most prepared possible for labour and delivery.

      We believe this course completely changed our approach towards labour and gave us powerful tools to overcome our fears and worries. We learnt how to cope with the pain and how to be supportive as a partner, to know our options at each stage, to be confident and believe in our power to birth our baby safely, and to be open to changes in our birth plan if things didn’t go as planned. Our labour was very long and we are confident we wouldn’t have managed to stay strong and have a natural birth if we didn’t have all those tools which Anna provided. Not everything went to plan but we didn’t stress over it since we were prepared to accept changes. To us this course has been invaluable.

      Anna and Will, Byron Bay